Perdiem Funeral Home Assistants; assist Funeral Homes with funerals, short of staff to assist during busy times. Funeral Home Helpers such as drivers, receptionist, organist, ministers, maintenance, customer care, data entry, and licensed funeral directors are needed to prepare for funeral arrangements, a funeral, to deliver or pick human remains to and from airports, meet funerals at the cemetery, dress and casket, make removals from house or facility, ensure all items needed for funeral has been ordered, etc.
On Call Funeral Directors and Funeral Home Helpers are needed to assist funeral homes when the owner or manager is on vacation, at a conference, the funeral home is busy. Licensed Funeral Directors/Embalmer are needed to conduct services that are required by each state services are provided.
Licensed Funeral Directors / Embalmer all must have an active license number from each state that they are licensed to practice.
We are seeking Pediem Funeral Home Helpers and licensed Funeral Directors with experience and knowledge of the various funeral customs, religions, ethnic, and fraternal groups. You must also be familiar with their state regulations and laws.
​If you are a licensed funeral director active and in good standing with your State you may join our data base of On Call Funeral Directors to be listed as an On Call Funeral Director for future use as needed by a licensed funeral homes.